Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to CHIC.TV Magazine

Welcome to the first edition of CHIC.TV Magazine for the iPad. CHIC.TV Magazine covers fashion, beauty, models, social media, lifestyle, dining and all that is chic. It is a personal thrill for me to launch a magazine. As I have been obsessed with them since I was a teenager, I have a feeling you know what I mean. For me it was a combination of business magazines like Fortune and fashion and style magazines like Interview. On my bedroom wall you could see Lee Iacocca alongside Naomi Campbell. The iPad just seemed like the natural and economic format to fulfill my dream. The CHIC.TV Magazine incorporates all the great work we have been doing for the past 5 or so years since CHIC.TV was born and it is the first of many niche magazines we are about to launch but in the near future, but this app is the most comprehensive and includes much of CHIC.TV’s popular content.

CHIC.TV magazine is constantly updated on a daily basis and is divided into four rows or sections. The first section contains original content we have crafted especially for the magazine. Here we'll focus on the best fashion and beauty picks, steal the style of our favorite models and celebrities and highlight the link between social media and fashion. We will also feature interesting products and events. CHIC.TV magazine will try to maximize the iPad’s capacity for multimedia, in particular video, image and text. This time we interview Richard Paris of Rebecca Taylor and Kendra Bracken-Ferguson formerly at Ralph Lauren and now co- founder of Digital Brand Architects. Both are social media mavens and are pioneers in pushing the fashion industry to the social landscape.

The second section of the magazine is dedicated to video and includes most CHIC.TV video shows including coverage of fashion week, models interviews, top trend picks and much more. Video is what we are known for, and like many millions of viewers across our syndication network including Hulu, YouTube Shows, iTunes and AOL, we are sure you'll enjoy this content. The third section is a direct feed of our main blog which covers all aspects of fashion and lifestyle and is updated several times a day. During fashion week we'll shower you with posts giving you a feel of what really goes on at the tents and around the city, so check it out and be in the know. The fourth section is a feed from Flicker which includes runway and backstage images and a selection of photos.

The magazine is work in progress and we hope to prefect it in time, so I hope you’ll enjoy and don’t forget to tweet or like any article that peaks your interest.

Rami Rinot

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